New year, new stories

Each December 31 as we prepare to tip over from one year into the next, I have the same feeling of slightly startled panic: “Wait, how can this year be over already?” 

This year our friend Sarah shared with us Life Compass, which guides you through reflection on the year past and planning for the year to come. Going through the Life Compass prompts reminded me of why regular reflection is so important in life; it pushes us to look deeper than the daily grind and dare to dream of a different way. My initial feelings about 2024 were mostly negative—our family ushered in Christmas with a Yuletide stomach bug, the recent news that my sister-in-law Joyce has stage 4 lung cancer, and my ongoing recovery from a serious car accident and concussion (yes, another one). 

But then I reflected more closely on the year. I recalled significant conversations with loved ones, deepening friendships, sweet moments with my kids that wouldn’t have happened if my accident hadn’t forced me to choose my health and recovery instead of overwork. It was a year of taking risks that brought about positive changes. I got up on stage to tell live stories at First Person Story and Simply Said—which felt initially terrifying, but turned out to be one of the most fun things I did all year. Our kids experienced some of that risking delight too; all 3 became downhill skiers, Gabe moved to a new school, and Mattéa joined her siblings in learning to waterski, ride a bike, and read. Other decisions that seemed small—like instituting a new habit of snuggling with our kids at night while reading or listening to Jeff Warren’s Daily Trip—turned out to be game-changers that made us feel more connected than we had in years. I realized that even with some big challenges, it’s actually been a mostly good year.

Maybe 2024 is a drawer you can’t wait to slam shut. Maybe it’s a chapter you’re reluctant to close because you’re anxious about what’s ahead in 2025. Maybe it’s some of both.

However you’re feeling about 2025 (and 2024), we’d love to invite you to build new stories this year. We’re ushering in 2025 with a special New Year’s edition of our Narrative Podcasts workshops: Building New Stories in 2025. On the first Monday of January, February, and March, we’ll explore the art of audio storytelling through scriptwriting, narration, and sound design (respectively). Each workshop will guide you through specific steps you can take to sharper your storytelling skills, with templates to help you organize your workflow and reach your 2025 goals.

Nate Davis

Weekday ad copywriter, weekend podcaster and teacher, occasional mullet perpetrator.

Audio triage, editing ethos, or 15 easy steps to sound design for a narrative podcast


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