Podcast training workshops

February 3, April 7, TBD spring 2025 …

What’s a narrative podcast? Our definition is 1) telling a story, 2) working from a script, and 3) creating an immersive soundscape. Our one-day workshop series will give you this three-part foundation for a powerful scripted podcast.

Each two-hour interactive session will feature live exercises and feedback, insider insights from the award-winning shows we have created and coached, tutorials, examples, and Q & A. You’ll finish each workshop with real practice, increased confidence, additional resources, and inspiration from committed peers. Attendees also receive our slides and the recordings afterward.

Next sessions 2/3, 3/3, & 4/7, 2025


Next sessions 2/3, 3/3, & 4/7, 2025 ...

Workshop 1: scriptwriting & the architecture of storytelling (4/7/25)

This workshop covers the key elements of writing and editing — both universal, and specific to podcasting. We’ll cover techniques and forms for getting started, different story diagrams and structures, creating a story from an interview, tools for getting unblocked, moving from first to final draft, and key script editing principles. More details

Microphone representing the VoiceOver workshop from Narrative Podcasts, the only online podcasting course by writers, for writers. Voice your story, change your life.

Workshop 2: finding your voice(over) and tracking narration like a pro (2/3/25)

This workshop will equip you for the second major narrative podcasting building block: recording, narration, and finding your voice as a host. We’ll work on writing for the ear, effective preparation and reading, finding your vocal sweet spot, maximizing sound quality wherever you’re recording, and more. More details

Workshop 3: sound design for storytellers (Date TBD, spring 2025)

This workshop covers the third building block, creating a great soundscape (think story, not engineering.) This two-hour interactive session will include live exercises, feedback, and breakout rooms. We’ll cover tips for building sound-rich stories, exercises to help you work and learn fast, and avoiding cheesy sound design. More details

Podcast workshops: prerequisites

Basic computer literacy and familiarity with podcasting will be helpful, but to get the most from the workshops, some shared attitudes are the most important:

  • Willingness to stretch, grow, and even be uncomfortable

  • Belief in the value of feedback and discussion

  • Openness, generosity, and curiosity

Podcast workshops: requirements

  • Computer, wired headphones, and quiet environment 

  • Story idea, notes, outline, or other material you want to work on

  • Scriptwriting workshop: trial version of Descript; sound design: audio editor like Hindenburg (get a free trial)

  • Notepad & pen

“Thanks again for putting this course together - it is a true gift for people looking to explore creativity and trying to tell their own, or others’, stories.” — Chris Marot, fall ‘22 course

Curious about the full course?

The workshops distill key aspects of narrative podcasting, but the course covers everything in more depth, and gives a comprehensive toolkit, including interviewing, launching, marketing, networking, producing, and collaborating — as well as the practices and habits for long-term creative living, like motivation, personality, boundaries, and wayfinding. For more, see the FAQs.

Even better, sign up for the course, and get the workshops included.