The Narrative Podcasts blog: all things scripted podcasting, short-form narrative, and creative living

… Books, podcasts, people, and processes to make you a better audio storyteller …

  • Media recommendations will serve one precise purpose: showing how that thing will improve your writing

  • Interviews and “today I talked to” posts will highlight inspiring, creative people and lessons we learned from them

  • Personal essay posts will offer quick tips on creative living and the highs and lows in our quest

Nate Davis Nate Davis

[ This space intentionally left blank ]

“This space intentionally left blank” reminded me of a bigger truth: whether you’re talking about religious practice, creativity, meditation, or just plain mental health, we need to intentionally leave some space blank in our lives.

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Nate Davis Nate Davis

How audio editing is like fine dining

How is audio editing like fine dining? They both rely on precise cuts. Read or watch more from Narrative Podcasts creative director Nate Davis, and see an audio editing screenshot, and hear the example episode.

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Nate Davis Nate Davis

How to write a podcast intro script

“What’s your podcast about?” It’s a very tough question to give a concise, punchy answer to in person — and it’s the same question a new listener has in mind when they click on your show. That’s why you have to write and record so many drafts of the intro to your scripted podcast. Here are two of mine.

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Nate Davis Nate Davis

You should make a narrative podcast

“You’re never going to get out of writing anything real without getting your clothes wrinkled and your hair mussed up at the very least. And when you write something that really changes you, you’ll feel wrung out and just want to space out under a long, hot shower.”

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Nate Davis Nate Davis

Do something that scares you

If you have any sort of online presence or thing to sell or promote, you’ve probably heard someone say “You should be on YouTube!” But those exhortations always gave me the same feeling as things like eating less sugar or tracking tax-deductible expenses: odious things that would probably be good for me.

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Nate Davis Nate Davis

How to make a podcast engaging

The secret to making your podcast engaging lies in answering this one simple diagnostic question: what’s your skin in the game?

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Nate Davis Nate Davis

Punch up your podcast script with this one tip

Add pep and personality to any kind of writing with this one simple editing tip. From audio dramas to blog posts to fiction podcasts, this one move will spice up your writing and help unlock your voice as an author.

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Nate Davis Nate Davis

The four elements of every good story

Want to make a better scripted podcast? Or just keep people entertained at your next happy hour? Incorporate the four universal story elements when you share something, and watch people listen up.

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Nate Davis Nate Davis

Voices, narration, and self-acceptance

Like a lot of people, I always hated hearing a recording of my own voice. Some people have noticeably nice voices: warm and funny, or deep and rich . . . but I was obviously not one of those people.

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“If you read good books, when you write, good books will come out of you.” — Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones