Tips for making a narrative podcast

One of our favorite things about podcasting is the generous spirit of the people you meet here. We want to be generous as well about the things we’ve learned, so here’s a list of tips for making a narrative podcast, framed as FAQ’s:

Can I see an example work-in-progress podcast script? Yes, Or this script.

Do you have tips in video form instead? Sure do.

Have you spoken at any conferences? Yes.

How do I write a podcast script? Three simple steps.

How do I create a narrative podcast?

How do I make a podcast trailer? (And hear examples?)

I’m looking for resources (community, production help, marketing, etc).

Where do I get ideas for a podcast?

Where can I get some creative inspiration? (Overlaps with our course curriculum.)

What is a narrative podcast? (Our three-part definition.)

Why should I start a narrative podcast? (One hyphenated word: self-discovery.)