Podcasting tips: scriptwriting, narration, audio editing, creative practice & more

In these 2-10 minute videos, we talk about key skills for making an outstanding scripted podcast, as well as practices for good creative work in general. For additional videos (like Laura’s appearances at conferences, or shorts), please visit our YouTube channel.

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Rather read podcasting tips than watch them?

Great! Here are a few things for you: podcast trailer examples from our graduates, with a checklist of the five things great trailers do. Thoughts on how to make your podcast engaging. And need some inspiration, or curious what our sources were for our self-paced course curriculum? Here’s the list! (Or you can see the list of all 21 speakers, 44 audio tutorials and exclusive reflections, and 99 exercises, diagrams, and templates in the full course syllabus here.)

Hear how these scriptwriting, audio editing, and sound design practices come to life.

Do you have an idea for a narrative podcast, but aren’t sure where to begin? Storyscaping is the show for you. In each episode, we’re going to excavate some part of the creative process, trellis it back to the landscaping metaphor — and pack it into ten minutes or less.